Fuzzy Humanist
Edy Portmann explains the connection between fuzzy logic and calculating with words and shows the difference between today's search engines and future question-answer systems. He explains how calculating with words serves as the basis of a human-machine symbiosis that leads to collective (urban) intelligence.

Life Engineering-
Machine Intelligence and Quality of Life
The book “Life Engineering. Machine Intelligence and Quality of Life” is a humble attempt to collect and structure the existing knowledge. A resilient theory by far exceeds the capabilities of a single individual. I tried my best in the book, but hope to start a broader discussion and involve people from many disciplines to develop a more profound discipline. This website aims to enable an upcoming scientific and pragmatic discussion.

Digitalization in the finance sector
This book discusses a transformation in the banking sector that is as profound as industrialization once was in the production of physical goods. It leads not only to further automation of processes in banks themselves, but also to a change in the division of labor in the entire financial sector.

on Digital Humanism
Hannes Werthner, together with Erich Prem, Edward A. Lee and Carlo Ghezzi, has created an impressive compendium for the current discussion on ethical principles for machine intelligence with
the anthology "Perspectives on Digital Humanism".
Anyone concerned with the impact of digitalization on the quality of life would do well to choose this work as a starting point.
Approaches that support life engineering, but also strongly divergent views can be found in the book.